Rise The Roof

Went to Mandy & Chris' birthday dinner at Joey's on Broadway night before the last. The service wasn't great.. at all, actually. And the food wasn't great either. The only thing I liked about my salad were the candied pecans which were kind of amazing but the rest of it was really mediocore. And even though the washroom was two floors, that was the only thing that stood out about it, it was nowhere NEAR as nice as the washrooms at the Yaletown Cactus Club or Moxie's on Davie. Those ones are nuts!

The beach salad with soy protein.

Bathroom pics, of course! That should be like a requirement of all girls whenever you're in a bathroom with friends and a camera.

Then, we ditched the guys and went to Amy's house so Mandy could open her gifts and have cake!


I baked another pie! Well, it was more of an apple tart. It looked better than it tasted but I devoured it anyway with some help.


I started school last week and I'm taking Physics 102 this term. My professor has hair almost as long as mine and looks like Mr. Castilho from high school. I already missed a day of school yesterday within one week because I was so dizzy and couldn't walk more than a few feet without collapsing on something to take a break. Thus, I spent the entire day confined to the couch, mostly sleeping haha. I'm pretty sure it was attributed to the fact that I decided on a day's notice that I was going to become a vegetarian and my diet has been on a rollercoaster for the past few weeks (eating very little and then getting STUFFED because of eating out or something and then going back to eating very little to make up for the extra food I consumed out of guilt). Oopsies.

I've also been looking for a job (unsuccessfully) for the last few weeks. Ideally, I want to work at the aquarium but I've been stalking their job openings and nothing has been coming up that I'm qualified for or want to do. Next best thing would be to work at Science World or even at a summer camp. I think it might be too late to apply for summer camp jobs though seeing as I haven't come across many. Other than those, I'd want to work at Chapters or a small bookstore or a small cafe type of thing (not Starbucks) but those usually require you to have a foodsafe certification which I don't have.


Went to the farmers' market at Trout Lake. Went home with organic cucumbers and a baguette that has since turned rock hard. I also tried Brie for the first time. The rind was strange and mushroomy and sort of tasted & smelled like dirty dishes.

I've taken an interest in cooking lately and all I can think about all the time is food and what I'm going to eat each day. It's seriously a very pressing concern that has been keeping me up at night haha. I've saved a hundred recipes that I'm going to print off to make a book once I get back to school (which would be tomorrow). I want to make pretty cupcakes next! Once I find out where to buy piping tips!

A Third of Life

Wilby & I went to see the grad show at Emily Carr the other day which was really impressive. I thought the design projects were especially well done and they looked so professional! Likewise, in the fine arts sections, there were so many pretty and mindblowing things to look at.

My favourite painting in the whole show.

Loved these photos a lot.

Looks like a pile of autumn leaves, right? Well, they're ceramic. CERAMIC!!!

Not pictured are most of the industrial design projects but they were some of the best.

Then we looked around the for La Baguette et L'Echalote bakery because I wanted to try their double baked almond croissants that I heard were great. But when we found the bakery, they were sold out of almond croissants! I guess they're not a well kept secret. So I went with the pain au chocolat instead. It was disappointing though. Wilby had a mango cheesecake.


Hi, I'm Gail. I'm a 20 year old student in Vancouver, BC. I dance and I take photographs. I have a wishbone where my backbone ought to be.

This is a place for experiments and mistakes and inconsistency and trying to find out who I am and what I want to do. This blog is a collection of bad pictures, great pictures, good luck, real food, run-on sentences, happiness, inspiration, beautiful things, and moments in time.

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